About Us

Hi! Everyone and welcome to my blog. I’m Dipanwita, the author and chef of this website. My full name is Dipanwita chatterjee and after marriage, I currently reside in Bangalore with my husband, he is the photographer of this website.  His name is Prasun Chatterjee. He is a software developer by profession.

I started this blog recently few days back in 5th of April,2020.My blog name is Comfort Food Daires. Link is https://comfortfooddaires.blogspot.com/ .I really love to cook and feed people and when they cherish my food I really enjoy that. I’m really thankful to my husband for his support in this journey. Without his support I may not be able to blog regularly apart from busy household works. My mother and Mil (Mother-in-law) both of them are my inspiration.

Although I loved cooking, but this blog idea was taken surprisely by my husband when I made a late night pudding to end my instant sweet craving. Now I really enjoy this. On this blog, you will find a mix of quick recipes, less ingredients, recipes, Indian curries, chicken recipes, veg recipes, experimental recipes, cooking tips and much more. Although, nowadays cooking videos are  much easier to watch than reading through a blog, but it is  an adventure to read blogs on its own way.

Apart from blogging, I am  post-graduate in Sanskrit from Rabindrabharati University of Kolkata in West Bengal. I love to listen music, drawing sketches, hand crafting. I love long drives (on bike) with my hubby. He loves to click pictures. In my free time I love to watch television.

In this new journey I love to connecting with them who is interested in learning more about my recipes which some of my innovation, some of my mom’s recipe, some of my mil’s recipe, some authentic dishes etc. if you have any questions then comments and feedback. You can contact me at ddaschat89@gmail.com . Your comments and feedback is inspire me always to grow. I am also on social media Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.
      Thank you so much to came across my blog.  
        Dipanwita & Prasun


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